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    Create a new page from Pages > Add New. Give a title, like ‘Home’, add the elements and settings you wish and then publish it. Next, create another page with the title you want for your blog. You do not need any content for your main blog page. The next thing is to tell WordPress to use your pages appropriately. Go to Settings > Reading and set the ‘Front page displays’ to ‘A static page’. Set the home page you just created as the ‘Front page’, and the blog page you created as the ‘Posts page’ and save your changes.

    This is for sure the easiest and fastest way to update Impeka. The only thing you have to do is to activate the theme update and enter your Themeforest username and an API key (from Envato).

    This is for sure the easiest and fastest way to update Impeka. The only thing you have to do is to activate the theme update and enter your Themeforest username and an API key (from Envato).

    Before all else, you must setup a WordPress version on your server. After downloading the package, you will have “Impeka” folder and “impeka.zip” file inside the Theme package. You can either choose to upload the Theme to your server via ftp (just upload the folder “Impeka” into the folder wp-content/themes) or via WordPress upload function (Appearance > Themes > Install Themes > Upload) using the “impeka.zip” file.
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